About the Course


This is a pre-recorded webinar led by Nikki Hunjan M.A. CCC-SLP for Speech-Language Pathologists. This webinar will discuss considerations for transracial adoptees. During this webinar, you will learn relevant facts about adoption, 7 core issues in adoption, transracial adoptees’ unique challenges, assumptions about adoption, representation in clinical/educational materials, microaggressions, and questions that can be hurtful to adoptees in assessment, treatment and service provision. You will also hear Nikki’s personal adoption story and its relevance to her life and practice. Participants must watch the webinar, read the assigned course materials, and complete a 5 question quiz to qualify for ASHA CEUs. Closed captioning will be provided.


Thank you for your support. All revenue is distributed among the instructor and contributors, and we aim to pay people a fair amount for their work.

Learn more: Considerations for Transracial Adoptees

  • About the Instructor

    Nikki Hunjan M.A. CCC-SLP is a speech language pathologist who lives with her spouse and two children in Northern Virginia. She works in private practice and has several years experience in the school setting. She has worked with students ages 2-21+ with a variety of speech and language disorders. Nikki started a blog and Teachers Pay Teachers store called Teach Speech 365 in 2012. She has enjoyed creating speech therapy materials and connecting with SLPs on social media.

  • Webinar

    This is a pre-recorded 57-minute webinar hosted by Nikki Hunjan M.A. CCC-SLP. Upon purchase, you will gain access to the webinar and course materials. This course will be available for .4 ASHA CEUs. It is not possible to earn partial ASHA CEUs for this course.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Examine sensitivity surrounding clinical conversations related to adoption

  • Identify unique challenges that transracial adoptees face

  • Evaluate assumptions commonly associated with transracial adoption

  • Identify clinical microaggressions experienced by transracial adoptees

  • Critically analyze the materials used in therapy to make sure adoptees are represented